Monday, September 13, 2010

2 weeks to go!!

We only have two weeks left, and I will keep you guys updated these next two weeks and try to post a blog the next two Mondays.

I was able to get the web address for the condo that is being raffled off. If you click HERE you can see more information. If you would like to use your donation on the right towards the raffle, please email me at and let me know so that I can make sure you receive your ticket. I will need your phone number in the email address as the winner will be contacted via phone if they aren't present at the drawing.

There are 70 tickets still left, and we would love for you to help spread the word about this raffle, as it is an awesome opportunity while helping send us on this journey.

We have moved everything into storage this past weekend, and are planning on moving out of the apartment on Thursday of this week, to help save on the cost of rent. We are lucky to be able to move in with family for the last week and a half.

This will be Courtney's last week as next week she will spend the rest of her time helping us get prepared for the trip. So please pray for a nice relaxing and easy week for her on her last week working.

Thank you for your time everyone, and thank you for all of the support! This means so much to us to see all of the visitors to our blog! Thank you guys for everything.


(Financial update as of tonight, Monday September 13, is $6,000.00 until our final goal. Which is less than half of the initial amount.)


  1. I love you both and am so excited to see how God is going to use you both!!!!!! Love, Mom Root
