Thursday, September 30, 2010

Blog post I wrote on the nice long plane ride =)

So we are now sitting on the plane, it is about 9:00 PM EST (3:00 AM in Germany) with no internet, but I decided to go ahead and type everything that is going on and has happened so far while it is fresh on my mind and we have time.

It still hasn't sunk in that Courtney and I are actually starting this journey that we have been given the opportunity to take for the next 6 months. We had the long sad goodbye to our families today as it really started to hit them that they would not get to see us for the next 6 months in person, though over Skype.

Last nights raffle at Jilly's went awesome! We got to see a lot of our friends and family for one last time before we left. We wound up selling a total of 50 tickets for the raffle, and with the time alloted for it, that was amazing! I got to talk to one man who said that he spent over 5 years doing missions with YWAM and that he loved the experience that they allowed him to have, and that life will never be the same after we get home.... AWESOME!

We are now over the Atlantic Ocean just south east of Greenland, and I keep losing Courtney to a nice deep sleep, haha. We should be arriving in Germany in a little over 3 and a half hours which will actually put us there about an hour or so earlier than we had expected, at 6:30 AM in Germany (12:30 AM EST).

We are so blessed to have been given this opportunity and thank you all for helping us make this happen. We will be uploading a ton of pictures tomorrow (our today) if we can sign on to the internet. Battery is about to die on the laptop so I will go ahead and try to get some sleep. Thank you all for everything, and we love you all.

Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kevin and Courtney

(Finances: Initial fee to get us there: MET! Outreach fee: about $2,000-$2,500 ~ Hope to have a more definite number tomorrow when we can see the exact amount in our account.)


  1. It was a sad goodbye... but a sweet release...

    I miss you both already, but know that time will fly by and am grateful for technology where I can see you, even if it is over a screen....

    You are following God and the adventure will be grand...because He is always about grand adventures. I cannot wait to see what He does in this time in your life.

    I am SO proud of you both!

    Love you two,
