Sunday, November 13, 2011

Coffee and God.. =)

This is Kevin, and I have been doing a daily quiet time during my "30 minute breaks" at work. I have been listening to worship music and reading random places in the bible for encouragement while we are at home waiting to go back into the missions field long term. God has been revealing some AMAZING things to me during these times, and I have been dying to share everything I have learned, and couldn't think of a way to share. I definitely forgot about our blog =). So this is some of the things I have been going through the last month.

A few weeks ago, I was struggling with what God has called Courtney and I to do while home, with Courtney at home to spend time with our new daughter and for me to pass up a job working for my dad making very nice money and going to work at Starbucks instead. When Courtney and I put down onto paper our bills, and what we bring in a month...the bills outweigh the money we bring in by a LOT. But we are trusting in God that he has called us to do this, and that he will provide all of the finances we need. Well 7 months being home with this, we have been hugely blessed, and have been able to pay off every bill. One bill that we did forget about was the one that was made when our dog ate rat poison and the costs to get it out of her system...$500. It seemed like a huge mountain to climb, and I just started to feel helpless, like no matter how hard I was working, I could not get over this mountain. In my quiet time, God led me to read Phillipians 4:13 which reads "I can do all things through Him who gives me strength". For me in this moment, was the biggest thing I could read, just a great reminder that since we have been home, none of the bills have been paid through what Courtney and I do, but through God's never ending provisions. Not even two days after that, Courtney and I received a check for $400... one we never expected to receive.

He remains so faithful to you, especially when you walk in the life he has called you into. I just continue to thank God for all of his amazing blessings, and still at times think, "Am I insane, as the supporter of my family, to be working at a place that cannot financially provide for my family?" and God keeps reminding me that "Sometimes I call you to do things that to others may seem insane, but it is for my good, and I will continue to watch over you and provide when you need me". One story he really brought to me was that of Noah... When God asked him to build the Arc, he probably seemed very insane to not only his family, but to his peers. I know that if someone were to do such a thing today, most people would think they were crazy. God isn't asking us to build a literal Arc, but is asking us to build on our relationship with him and to show everyone around us that when you walk with God, he sometimes asks you to do crazy things, but when you are obedient to him...he won't leave you hanging.

This is just one day of quiet time with God. I will continue to post some more as I can.