Sunday, August 22, 2010

Catching Up

Wow... I cannot believe it has been 13 days since we have posted a new entry. I am sorry I have not been able to post anything. Right now our lives are crazy. with trying to raise support while working overtime at our jobs, and still have a personal life. It has been an insane past two weeks!

Just wanted to give everyone an update on where we are right now with our trip. We have 38 days to go! Every day that passes we get more and more excited about going! As of today we are at $ 3,400.00. We purchased our plane tickets to Germany ($1,700.00) and our travel medical insurance ($389.00) today! We have to send our visa information and money ($220.00) on Monday to the YWAM base. The next thing we have to get done is our immunizations (Courtney: Hep A & Hep B, and Kevin: Hep A, Hep B, and Typhoid)

We are so thankful to those of you who have supported us so far. We know that even though we still have a long way to go financial wise but God is going to provide. I just wanted to share an example of how God has provided for us so amazingly. We received an email a few weeks ago saying that we had to send forms for our visas and also the money to the YWAM base by Monday August 23. n order to send in our visa information we had to also send in proof of travel insurance. In order to get our travel insurance we had to know what airline we were flying on. So by August 23 we had to have $2,310.00. This past Thursday night we were going over how much money we had to raise by the deadline. We figured out we were a little under 400 dollars away from the amount we had to have. I started to post a blog entry letting everyone know what we needed by Monday. That night my mom texted me saying that they had received a check for 400 dollars that evening from some of our missionary fiends. We were both so shocked at how amazingly and perfectly God provided almost to the exact dollar for us.

We are continuing to trust him for the money. We know that even though it is a lot to all of us it is just mere pennies to God. We are more excited than ever to watch him provide for us. Thank you all for your prayers and support. We are so blessed to have all of you in our lives. We love you all!

Please pray:
-That God would prepare our hearts to be overseas away from all of our friends and family for over 6 months.
-That God would continue to bring in the finances that we need.
-Against all doubts or evil trying to keep us from doing what God has placed in our hearts to do.
-Health; that we would be well for our travels and during our time overseas.

In Him,
Kevin & Courtney