Sunday, May 15, 2011

Back Tracking...

We have returned safe and sound back in the U.S. I'm only posting this six weeks after we got home (sad, I know). But, Kevin and I really feel like we have been able to come back and get into life back here in the States. So the six weeks we have been home have been restful and good for us to recuperate.

Since we have returned to the U.S. I realized how badly I need to update our blog. I will be backtracking and posting about week by week details of our time overseas. I am excited to finally have the time to share with you all what God has done in us and through us! Since there is already a post on our first week of Lecture Phase in Herrnhut (Click Here to be taken directly to that post), I will start with our second week.

Week two of Lecture phase was about the Character and Nature of God. I had been looking forward to this week. When I had the miscarriage I really struggled with knowing the true character and nature of God. I felt like He was punishing me for something I had done and that I had to do things to be in God's favor. I struggled with believing that He was faithful, trustworthy, and good. Needless to say, I needed to hear truths about Him to replace all the lies I had been believing.

Our speaker was Peter Warren from the base in Denver Colorado (this is the base where the 2008 shootings happened). He was a great speaker for this week. During the first day of lectures with Peter, he went around the room asking the students questions to get to know us better. I can tell you that until I was with YWAM for a while, I hated these kinds of things. I always felt so uncomfortable being asked a random question in front of tons of other people. I was praying that God would help him pick the perfect question for me (one that wasn't embarrassing). When he finally got to me, he looked at me and said, "How many kid's do you want to have?" I cannot tell you how uncomfortable I felt. My face instantly went red and I was forcing back the tears. I answered him with, "I don't know, how ever many God gives us". I was so relieved when he moved on to the next person and the attention was off of me.

Since Kevin and I shared an apartment with Tobi and Natalia we decided to invite Peter over for dinner. Natalia and I decided to make chicken curry for dinner and so we tried to make it without any recipe... that was kind of a disaster. To fix it, we ended up throwing all kinds of stuff in the pot and praying and it would actually end up somewhat edible. We were laughing because we knew how messed up it was but Peter kept saying how much he liked it. WHEW! Haha

Anyways, after the delicious dinner, we had some great conversation with Peter. He talked with us about the question he had asked me about how many kids I wanted. He said he randomly chose that question out of the 80 he had on the paper. He told us that he felt like God wanted to use the question about the kids to ask us what we wanted Him to give us. How many kids did our hearts desire, what were we expecting from God. He said it was good to speak out what we desired from God. God was trying to show me how much I could trust Him to be faithful and give me the desires I had for children because He loves me so much.

We really got into the groove of our weekly schedule this week which consisted of:
6:45-Wake up
7:30-Breakfast down at the base
8:00-Quiet time
8:30 First lecture or on Mondays all base worship and Wednesdays nations prayer.
11:00-Coffee and tea break
2:15-Work Duties
4:30-Learning time (e.g. intercessory, bible reading, small groups, etc)
6:00- Dinner

The other thing we did this week on Wednesday night was a community night. The staff went
out and got snacks and we all played get to know you better games. It was so fun learning about what people liked and seeing people's personalities while playing games and snacking! It's so crazy to think back on that week since it was so early in our DTS and we were just meeting and getting to know each other. Then, I look at how we are now and it's so cool to see that we really did become a family! I love and miss my DTS family so much!!

Mobile DTS staff and students


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